Product Description
Introducing the new Four-connection CoaXPress CXP-12 frame grabber with on-board laser line extraction for 3D profiling- CXP-12 3D-LLE
Real-time generation of 16-bit 3D height maps
- The Coaxlink directly transfers the computed 3D height map to the host PC memory without delay, in real-time.
Laser line extraction with zero host CPU usage
- The coax-link's on-board FPGA measures the position of the laser line during the image acquisition without loading the host CPU
- Supported by software and hardware implementations, dual laser line extraction process reduces the effect of occlusions. Occlusions occur when some parts of the objects are not lit by any laser. Using two lasers with different angles reduces these undefined areas. The object-based calibration included in Easy3DLaserLine allows combining the acquired data into a single calibrated point cloud.
- Highest data acquisition rate in the industry and up to 5000 MB/s from camera to host PC memory.
- 7,800 MB/s peak bus bandwidth and 6,700 MB/s sustained bus bandwidth.
- 40 Meters at CXP-12 speed (23.5 Gbps)
- 72 meters at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps)
- 100 Meters at CXP-6 speed (3 Gbps)
- Feed your camera up to 7W per channel under 24 VDC with automatic device detection, measurement, and overload detection
- Total and per channel voltage and current measurement is possible, allowing validation, and performance deviation monitoring
Use Standard Coaxial Cables
Micro-BNC (HD-BNC™) connectors for reliable connection
Area-Scan Triggering Capabilities
- Euresys' frame grabbers offer many capabilities to synchronize area-scan or 2D cameras, sensors, and light controllers, for stationary or moving objects in the field of view or moving cameras.
High-Performance DMA (Direct Memory Access)
- Direct transfer into user-allocated memory
- Hardware scatter-gather support
Compatible with eGrabber
- eGrabber studio: eGrabber's new interactive evaluation and demonstration application
- GenICam browser: An application giving access to the GenICam features exposed by GenTL Producer(s)
- GenTL Console: A command-line tool giving access to the functions and commands exposed by the Euresys GenTL Producer
Memento Event Logging Tool
- Memento is an advanced logging and debugging tool for Coaxlink and Grablink cards
- Memento records an accurate log of all events related to the camera, the frame grabber and its drivers as well as the application
- It provides the developer with a precise timeline of time-stamped events, along with context information, and logic analyzer view
- It provides valuable assistance during application development and debugging, as well as during machine operation
C2C-Link Camera Synchronization: Allows to accurately synchronize multiple area-scan, or line-scan cameras connected
- to the same card
- to different cards in the same PC
- to different cards in different PC's
Compliant with GenICam: Including support for
- GenApi
- The Standard Feature Naming Convention (SFNC)
- GenTL
Windows, Linus, and MacOS drivers available
- Including support for Intel 64-bit platforms as well as ARM 64-bit platforms